I am making over my home office/ studio space. I was sitting in a chair that was not good for my back and I had to make a change. I decided to go onto craigslist and find a used office chair. I found one, but it needed to be reupholstered. This is my first reupholstery project, so buckle up for this really fun and time consuming project! I decided to use a 100% cotton duvet I had on hand. And I dyed the fabric in my previous post and video.
Here's the chair- it had holes, stains and the foam was disintegrating.
I started with taking it all apart. This was a big process and I was careful to take pictures of the way it looked and to keep the hardware all together.
The foam on the seat of the chair really needed to be replaced so I went to amazon and bought a new foam square. I went with a 20"x20"x3." I dyed the fabric with a right triangle pattern. You can see the post here:
After I took the fabric parts off the chair, I seam ripped the sewn pieces to make a pattern from them. I rubbed off the pattern and added seam allowance. Then I cut out the pieces and set them aside.
I ripped off the old foam and I then cut the foam into 2 pieces. I glued it together and onto the wooden seat. That way the metal rod can go through the holes at the bottom of the seat. I used gorilla glue to secure the foam. I'm including the links for the foam that I used and the gorilla glue below.
I let the foam glue for 2 hours while weighting it down. This project took a too long to do one video, so I will post about the part 2 of the reupholstery process!
I put the pieces together and got them on the chair, but I finished it in my part 2
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